European banks recorded a ROE of 11,1%, but Italian banks stand out with a 15,7%, surpassing France and Germany (under 7%).
The political crisis in South Korea has caused Seoul to collapse and the won to plummet. In Europe, the stock markets are ...
Of ancient tradition, dating back to 1600, the Traditional Mostarda of Cremona, traditionally linked to meats and cheeses, is increasingly the protagonist of gourmet preparations.
Die italienische Börse kommt wieder in Schwung und ist das rosa Trikot Europas. Stellantis sticht heraus. Der Ölpreis erholt ...
Dopo la sfiducia al cancelliere Olaf Scholz e il collasso della sua coalizione, le elezioni anticipate sono diventate l’unica ...
End-of-year rally or not, 2024 will go down as a year of great satisfaction for investors. The Nasdaq outclassed everyone ...
A bolsa italiana recupera força e é a camisa rosa da Europa. Stellantis se destaca. O preço do petróleo está a recuperar, ...
Osamu Suzuki, fostul preÈ™edinte istoric È™i CEO al Suzuki Motor Corporation, a murit la vârsta de 94 de ani. Sub conducerea sa ...
Osamu Suzuki, ancien président-directeur général historique de Suzuki Motor Corporation, est décédé à l'âge de 94 ans. Sous sa direction, Suzuki est devenu un constructeur automobile mondial majeur.
Alessandro Spada, Präsident von Assolombarda, unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit einer visionären Industriepolitik, um den wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen zu begegnen und den europäischen ...
In 2024, 25 projects worth over 2,3 billion euros were approved for the development of the national electricity grid. Among ...
En 2024, 25 projets d'une valeur de plus de 2,3 milliards d'euros ont été approuvés pour le développement du réseau électrique national. Parmi les principales interventions figurent Elmed, Adriatic ...