On a chilly morning in Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj, the melodious chants of pilgrims filled the air, blending seamlessly with the soft hum of activity at the Central Hospital in Maha Kumbh Nagar. Amid ...
AI-powered ECG predicts hypertension and risks, promising better prevention and management in clinical settings.
Topline data from Phase 3 REFOCUS-ALZ study of simufilam in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease expected late first-quarter/early ...
Withings, a connected health company, has expanded its cardiovascular products with BPM Vision, an advanced blood pressure monitor.
This tiny smart ring offers an unobtrusive way to take an electrocardiogram and monitor your heart health – without any extra ...
Circular has launched its new Circular Ring 2 — which packs in ECG and FDA-cleared Afib detection, along with a more premium ...
When she got home she started vomiting, felt pins and needles in her left arm and had chest pains but after calling 999 she was told she was likely having a panic attack and didn’t require ...
Circular, pioneers of smart ring technology, is announcing its next gen Ring 2, which is set to revolutionize the wearable ...
Circular has just announced a new smart ring, the Circular Ring 2. This smart ring comes with a built-in ECG, and it also has ...
Insights from analysts' 12-month price targets are revealed, presenting an average target of $74.75, a high estimate of ...