"Lucca's World" is a Mexican movie directed by Mariana Chenillo starring Bárbara Mori, Julián Aguilar Tello, and Juan Pablo Medina.
A Mexican short film is dragging Emilia Peréz with mustaches, rats, and satire so sharp it’s racked up 1.5M views in five days.
From nail-biting thrillers to romantic dramas, here are the best Spanish movies on Netflix right now, including 'The Platform,' 'Society of the Snow' and more.
Palestinian-Texan comedian Mohammed "Mo" Amer spoke about Season 2 of his eponymous series, depicting the U.S. immigration system and the Israel-Hamas war.
Not only did Audiard’s Emilia Perez score impressive nominations at the 97th Oscars, but it has also secured several awards ...