Only 6,500 participants have enrolled in a program that has cost taxpayers more than $86 million — a warning for other states ...
Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance program for people with low incomes or disabilities, touches millions of ...
Trump had previously sworn that he would not cut Social Security benefits, although there was confusion over some of his ...
Some House Republicans are nervous about their own conference's goal of cutting $2 trillion in government spending, warning ...
Eighty million U.S. adults and children are currently enrolled in the nearly-free health care coverage offered to the poorest ...
A top House Democratic super PAC is targeting Republicans over their proposed cuts to Medicaid. In a release Tuesday, House ...
Medicaid is funded jointly by federal and state taxes. Unlike the rest of New England, New Hampshire would automatically ...
Gov. DeWine needs to do more than anticipate deep cuts in federal funding for Ohio's Medicaid expansion population. He should ...
Legislative proposals to undo voter-approved Medicaid expansion could leave 90,000 Idahoans without medical insurance.