Students fleeing conflict or persecution will be able to access dedicated financial support thanks to a new scholarship scheme launched by UCL.
UCL has again performed strongly in Research England’s Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF), maintaining its position as a ...
The real world was brought into the laboratory on a scale never seen before, for an experiment where over 100 people were ...
A landslide in a remote part of Greenland caused a mega-tsunami that sloshed back and forth across a fjord for nine days, ...
11 November 2024, 10:00 am–11:00 am This workshop aims to equip participants with skills to enhance student engagement using real-time interactive techniques through Mentimeter. Whether you're ...
04 December 2024, 2:00 pm–3:30 pm Please get in touch with Matteo Tiratelli ([email protected]) for more information. The UCL Centre for Capitalism Studies is a world-leading centre for critical ...
Anna Hope is a recent master’s graduate from the Economics department of the New School for Social Research. Her research interests are focused on the intersection between finance, heterodox economics ...
Milan Klöwer is a Schmidt AI in Science Fellow at the University of Oxford. After a postdoc at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he returned to Oxford where he did his PhD in low-precision ...
What has been your career path from graduation to now? While studying at UCL, I developed a software that visualised the admission data of top universities in the UK over the years. At the same time, ...
What is your role and what does it involve? I've just been promoted to Associate Professor in Biological Anthropology and am starting as the Director of Education for UCL Anthropology this year. This ...
18 March 2025, 6:15 pm–7:15 pm The final event in the UCL Institute of Archaeology/British Museum Medieval Seminar Series will take the form of a panel discussion to be chaired by Hugh Kennedy (SOAS), ...
25 February 2025, 6:15 pm–7:15 pm The Sogdians, an Iranian-speaking people that inhabited the territories of present-day Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, are known to some as traders along the Silk Roads ...