In the lands of ancient Mesopotamia, a team of archaeologists and geologists has accomplished a remarkable feat.
It was mining, smelting and de-forestation on a large scale however that identify the scale and impact of the Romanisation of Gallia Narbonensis as a real and substantial contributor to the start of ...
The picturesque Mediterranean island of Ischia, which is near the western coastline of Italy, was home to a cosmopolitan community of settlers and visitors in ancient times.Thanks to the isotopic anal ...
A fabulous archaeological discovery has been announced by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, in collaboration with the Egyptian-French archaeological mission of the Franco-Egyptian Cent ...
In the comune of Bacoli in the greater metropolitan area of Naples, Italy, an astonishing geological process is bringing remnants of an ancient Roman building complex to the surface in Lake Fusaro.
“The prediction is that the next ice age will begin within the next 10,000 years,” Barker told Live Science, before adding that the accumulated effects of greenhouse gas emissions, which most climate ...
At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, ...
A new study has revealed that when humans were still living exclusively in Africa, before migrating to Eurasia and ultimately to the rest of the planet, they were more flexible and adaptable than prev ...
A young Roman man was sleeping peacefully in his bed one night nearly 2,000 years ago, when a cloud of scorching-hot ash descended from the top of the erupting Mount Vesuvius to smother him and turn h ...