Three-quarters of firm leaders are at least somewhat confident that business conditions will improve over the next 12–18 ...
The ABI score is a leading economic indicator of construction activity, providing an approximately nine-to-twelve-month glimpse into the future of nonresidential construction spending activity. The ...
Architects work every day to design built environments that are resilient. We always strive to design for disaster preparedness, but many cities and towns are often not equipped or have not been ...
As you consider your firm’s growth rate, strategic plan and workload, at what point do you determine that it’s time to hire or designate a human resources manager? While the number of employees at ...
Hear from expert speakers, with experience spearheading large-scale hospital and master planning projects around the globe, on the complexities, nuances, variations, and influences impacting ...
Each year, about one-quarter of all design firms insured by the Victor and CNA professional liability insurance program experience a claim alleging harm from the negligent performance of professional ...
Board statement on results of independent review. In April 2024, the Council of Former Presidents of AIA and the 2024 Jury of Fellows raised several concerns in letters to the Board of Directors, ...
The allure of a well-lived life often hinges on finding balance. For architect Landon Brown of Onland Architecture, this equilibrium is manifested in two distinct yet complementary spaces: a compact ...
For the first time in more than 80 years, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) will increase the statutory fee limitations for architects working on construction projects within the purview of the ...
Connect with decision-makers through the services and experiences that make AIA so valuable to our members. We’ll work collaboratively with you to understand your needs and tailor a marketing strategy ...
Discover how architects in different contexts address current habitation issues and how regional design approaches are interpreted at various scales—enriching your understanding and perspective on ...