Scientists have discovered a new crustacean species after examining samples purchased from Vietnamese fishermen. Because its ...
Scientists have discovered a new species of crustacean after examining samples purchased from Vietnamese fishermen. Because ...
Researchers have named a newly discovered sea creature after Darth Vader due to its resemblance to the character's iconic ...
After calling the restaurant the following day, Ho discovered that the lobster weighed 4.5 pounds (2.04 kg) and was priced at ...
The jumbo isopod has been named Bathynomus vaderi because its carapaced cranium resembles Darth Vader’s iconic helmet from ...
Native to Indonesian New Guinea, the crustacean comes in two color forms and is a popular pet choice in Europe, Japan, the ...
Sabrina Bockler presents new works in 'Shallow Water' at Richard Heller Gallery in Santa Monica through February 15.
At Shaver's Catering, located at the intersection of Ockley Drive and Youree Drive in Shreveport, they anticipate things ...
A giant seabug which loves the dark side has been named after Star Wars ’ most famous Sith lord. Bathynomus vaderi is an ...
Reanna Ho was dining out with a group of friends at Canton Lane Chinese Restaurant when they decided to order eight dishes ...
A woman who was handed a staggering bill at a Chinese restaurant in Perth has hit out at the establishment after feeling ...
A marine crustacean that looks like Darth Vader’s helmet has been recognised as a new species, but it could be under threat ...