The story follows the Ingalls family, who live on a farm in Plum Creek, Minnesota during the late 1800s. Michael Landon played Charles Ingalls, A.K.A. Pa, and Karen Grassle played his wife ...
While the legends of José Gaspar are full of alleged adventure and swashbuckling, history tells a different story.
Center in Minot hosted its combined Community Relations Committee and Workforce Development Council meeting on Wednesday to ...
Melora Hardin still has fond memories from her time working on Little House on the Prairie. “I remember quite a few things ...
At the time, the series was casting young versions of Michael Landon’s Charles Ingalls and Karen Grassle’s Caroline Ingalls. “Charles and Caroline had to be dancing together, and Matthew ...
Landon, who died in 1991, played patriarch Charles Ingalls on Little House. (The series was famously based on Laura Ingalls Wilder’s books of the same name.) “He was just so warm [and] he was ...
You need to be able to look your employees and clients in the eyes.
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