A USF study found that vertical currents are likely behind the algae blooms that dump sargassum onto Florida beaches each ...
Researchers identified a strong negative North Atlantic Oscillation in 2009–2010 as the tipping point that pushed sargassum ...
The spread of the Ostreopsis ovata algae is not a cause for concern, but ongoing monitoring is recommended, according to ...
The Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt has puzzled researchers since 2011. A recent study published in Nature Communications may have identified what drove a tipping point that established the phenomenon ...
The Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt has puzzled researchers since 2011. A new model demonstrates that the alga was brought to the tropics by strong currents, and thrived in ideal growing conditions.
A Bay Area artist in Richmond has been stealthily building and placing fairy houses around his neighborhood. His creations ...
"The number of current MMCC patients likely impacted by the toxic algal bloom has more than tripled," Marine Mammal Care said ...
Around 70 sea lions have been found sick or dead from a toxic algae bloom off the coast of Los Angeles and dozens are being ...
March is full of exciting new YA releases that go well beyond the arrival of Suzanne Collins's latest Hunger Games novel.
A multi-million-dollar restoration project in the Maumee River is in the home stretch. It involves the “Clark” and “Delaware” horseshoe islands near Walbridge Park.
Researchers from the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton have developed a weapon to help fight harmful algal blooms.
In the neighboring Tomales Bay, the European green crab alone has caused a clam harvesting decline of up to 40%. On the East ...