Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is targeting people with dual citizenship as part of a broadening crackdown ahead of ...
Leaders bear immense responsibility as humanity may be facing the most crucial decisions in its history – says Yuval Noah ...
The frenetic pace at which the president is dismantling the U.S. government apparatus is hard to process, even for someone ...
Having to repeatedly countermand your own incoherent policies is a sign of weakness. It invites more pushback. Republican ...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his demonstrators stream over an Alabama River bridge at the city limits of Selma, Ala., ...
European leaders backed plans to spend more on defence and continue to stand by Ukraine in a world upended by Donald Trump's ...
At least Zelensky has the Europeans to fall back on if he loses US support altogether. Who does Netanyahu have?
For too long, we in the West have underestimated Putin’s global ideological vision as an animating force for his foreign-policy agenda. The tragic consequence is that today Putinism is advancing ...
In the USA, the political system is currently undergoing profound change at breathtaking speed, as new US President Donald ...
Resolving the modern care dilemma means putting family at the heart of the economy, writes Miriam Cates. But the challenges ...