Priced at 8700VP, players will also get an Araxys Gun Buddy, Araxys Card and an Araxys Spray. The new battlepass and ARAXYS skins will be available with the VALORANT Episode 6 Act I, which begins on ...
Since Episode 4 Act 1, you need to have an account level of at least 20 to earn ranks in Valorant’s competitive mode. Once you’ve hit that threshold, you can engage in ranked play. At the ...
On the brighter side, Khanolkar highlighted that this would only be true for the Valorant Episode 8 Act 3 Night Market Rotation. “We’ll have it fixed for the next NM,” Khanolkar added.
With Valorant's next Night Market just around the corner, here are a few frequently asked questions that you might need answers to. 1) Can I reroll Night Market skins in Valorant? No, you cannot ...
Riot Games VALORANT Patch 10.03 will fundamentally alter the game's minimap. The new Minimap, located in the top left of the screen, will have improved clarity and feature more accurate in-game ...
What are the best Valorant agents? This Valorant tier list categorizes all of the game’s agents based on their potential effectiveness in the average match. The best agents in our book are those ...