Directed by Pedro Almodóvar, Tilda Swinton plays a former war correspondent with cervical cancer who asks her friend, played ...
Although she’s been working in movies since the mid-'80s, Tilda Swinton has spent the past two decades establishing her ...
Swinton plays a woman dying of cancer in Pedro Almodóvar's The Room Next Door. "A life spent considering how we're going to ...
Even after achieving a modicum of mainstream recognition, Tilda Swinton has remained fiercely independent. Sure, she won an ...
Swinton plays a woman dying of cancer in Pedro Almodóvar's The Room Next Door. "A life spent considering how we're going to spend our end is not... Tilda Swinton thinks about death and says you ...
Swinton plays a woman dying of cancer in The Room Next Door. Justin Chang reviews Hard Truths. Brody drew on his family's ...
The Westfield police station plays the Lake Hill, New York police station in the story, which also stars Emmy winner John ...
Oscar-winning actor Tilda Swinton is not afraid of the end of life. It's a stance informed, in part, by caring for her mother and sitting bedside when she died in 2012. "She just sort of fell ...