Franklin County Pneumonia Study Group. JAMA 275:194-198, 1996. Over the last several years, a number of advances have been made in understanding the pathogenesis and treatment of pneumonia ...
In this Personal View, we argue that these observations have shown the inadequacy of traditional conceptual models of lung microbiology and the pathogenesis of pneumonia, hampering progress in ...
M. pneumoniae affects all children but pneumonia occurs mainly in older groups, according to the degree of immune maturation. Pathogenesis of lung injury in M. pneumoniae infection may be ...
Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is a commensal of the human nasopharynx during childhood, but also causes a variety of infections, such as otitis media (OM), pneumonia, bacteremia, and ...
Background Aspiration of oropharyngeal or gastric contents into the lower airways can cause a number of syndromes including chemical and bacterial pneumonia, although the pathophysiology of each ...
UB research has identified the genetic elements responsible for turning classical Klebsiella pneumoniae into a hypervirulent ...
Everything about ventilator associated pneumonia is contentious. What is the microbial pathogenesis? How can it be prevented? How should it be treated? One strongly advocated preventive strategy ...
Bacterial infections cause a huge burden of disease throughout the world and kill millions of people and animals each year through diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhoea and meningitis, as well as ...
Obesity, a persistent metabolic state characterized by an excess accumulation of adipose tissue, has emerged as a global ...
In this Personal View, we argue that these observations have shown the inadequacy of traditional conceptual models of lung microbiology and the pathogenesis of pneumonia, hampering progress in ...