Discover the biggest rumors and leaks for upcoming LEGO sets in 2025, including the first ever $1000 LEGO set!
I Built a Theme Park BOAT RIDE In My Garden! I built a jungle river in my garden, for a LEGO boat to ride around! It goes ...
Orlando Bloom hasn’t closed the door on returning to the Pirates of the Caribbean series. The 48-year-old actor starred ...
All of the CSI franchise shows have used songs by The Who as their theme song, creating a nice symmetry between the shows.
The upcoming season in Fortnite might be filled with wrestling aesthetics along with stealth action by the 007.
Pirates of the Caribbean is coming back with a sixth movie and to revisit the franchise, find the chronological order of the ...
In 1969 an exciting new supergroup was born - but the story of Humble Pie is one of frustration and crushing disappointment ...