Peristaltic pumps are characterized by tubing such as hose pumps or tube pumps, tubing material (PVC, silicon, or polymers such as flouropolymer), propulsion types, and position of the rollers ...
Description: Watson-Marlow leads the world in peristaltic pumps. Now we are showing the way in tube manufacture. Bioprene, our own Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) tubing, is easily welded, gives ...
Now, you can readily turn a stepper motor into a peristaltic ... tubing and hard plastic surfaces. While the design is in its early stages of development, we’d be interested to see a pump ...
allows the flow rate to up to 3.3 litre/min with thicker tubing (1.6mm). Select the appropriate model for your lab with economical yet powerful enough peristaltic pump.