Health Minister Jenista Mhagama declared Marburg after six weeks since the last case in ...
Tanzanian health authorities declared the end of the country's second Marburg virus disease (MVD) outbreak after recor ...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) welcomed a declaration by Tanzania on the end of the deadly Marburg virus outbreak, ...
German researchers say the answer may be in virus-reactive memory T cells, which are triggered by COVID infection.
Over 50 people are dead in the northwest of the Democratic Republic of Congo due to an unknown virus, according to the World Health Organization. The WHO's African office said that the outbreak ...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) said in a statement that the outbreak 'poses a significant public health threat' ...
Ebola and Marburg are severe and highly infectious ... It's passed on through respiratory droplets produced when a person with the virus coughs or sneezes, or by contact with objects or ...
Domitina Kahira, a resident of Biharamulo District in Tanzania’s north-eastern Kagera Region, is treading a difficult path to recovery after losing her husband to Marburg virus disease in early ...
and from one deceased person. Test results have ruled out similar hemorrhagic diseases such as Ebola and Marburg virus. Testing and contact tracing are continuing in affected locations by teams of ...
No new cases reported in 42 days following death of last confirmed case on Jan. 28, according to WHO - Anadolu Ajansı ...