Looking for unforgettable movie trilogies? Our list features the best of the best. Binge on these over the weekend.
As the years go by, I'm increasingly convinced that Dark Souls is the best trilogy of all time, both on individual and collective merit. Looking at each title, they're masterpieces in their own ...
Perfect ending, splendid movie, and one of the best 15 sports flicks ever ... And just like that, the most memorable Sports Movie Trilogy of all-time was finally over. Maybe we never found ...
Christopher Nolan's trilogy ranks quite highly, with the second namesake entry, The Dark Knight, being a particular standout as one of the greatest comic book movies of all time. A big part of the ...
and the sequel trilogy's events all took place in a single year. There were multiple time gaps between the trilogies, with 19 years separating the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy ...