NASA has said Earth will likely be spared by a deadly Big Ben-sized asteroid and predicts it could smash into the Moon instead in a dramatic collision. The space agency feared the chance of a ...
No, or at least not because of the 2024 YR4 asteroid. There is now a .004 percent chance it will impact Earth. Here’s NASA’s explanation of why it’s no longer considered a threat (for at least the ...
Not much is known about 2024 YR4, but the asteroid is estimated to be 131 to 295 feet (40 to 90 meters) wide, a “size range comparable to that of a large building,” said Dr. Paul Chodas ...
An asteroid gaining notoriety for its potential to collide with Earth in 2032 was estimated Tuesday to have roughly a 3% chance of striking our planet — the highest probability ever assigned ...
The narrow difference is due to the two agencies’ use of different tools for determining the asteroid’s orbit and modeling its potential impact. But both percentages rise above the 2.7% chance ...