The program is being released as part of "The New York Times Presents" series of documentaries. Directed by Jodi Gomes, "Malfunction: The Dressing Down of Janet Jackson" explores the aftermath of ...
Janet Jackson was born May 16 ... After appearing on "The Jacksons" TV series with her siblings in 1976 and 1977, she earned herself a part in the show "Good Times." She was also in the TV ...
Janet Jackson was groped by her backup dancer more than 20 years after her infamous wardrobe malfunction with Justin Timberlake at the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show. The Grammy winner put on a ...
Janet Jackson ... selfie of her and Jackson from the outing, as well as a video of her and Future on a roller coaster ride. Eissa is a big fan of the Nickelodeon animated series Paw Patrol.
Series of documentaries looking at the careers of four titans of African-American music: Janet Jackson, Prince, Lionel Richie and Public Enemy.
Pop star Justin Timberlake says he has "made peace" with Janet Jackson ... a panel off Jackson's bodice during the 2004 Super Bowl, revealing her right breast to 114m TV viewers.