Catsimatidis also went on to buy the Gristedes grocery store chain, and turned into a profitable franchise. Produced by Alana Kakoyiannis. Additional Camera by Daniel Goodman. Follow BI Video ...
Workers at Gristedes and Food emporium have stopped shoplifters in the act. “We don’t demand that they do it,” Catsimatidis said. “But if they do, we reward them.” Rewards for defending ...
Catsimatidis also went on to buy the Gristedes grocery store chain, and turned into a profitable franchise. Watch below to hear his rags to riches story. Catsimatidis is currently running for New ...
NEW YORK -- A lawsuit filed by New York City's Department of Consumer Affairs seeking $50,000 in fines from Gristedes Foods for some 200 offenses, including overcharging customers and taxing non ...