A comet tail is formed by dust and ions blown off the speeding rock by solar wind. The dust trailing the rock reflects ...
Perhaps the most exciting feature of Hale-Bopp is its unique tail. Like most comets, it has two tails that can be seen by the naked eye under the right conditions: a bright dust tail, which is ...
Pushed back by the pressure of the sun's radiation, the dust streams out behind the comet in what appears as a fiery tail. Now the comet is among the fastest things in the solar system.
carrying off more dust in the process, and all this extra material means it can produce a mighty tail without getting into such hard-to-see territory as sungrazers like Comet Lovejoy and C/2024 G3.
This story appears in the July 2013 issue of National Geographic magazine. The dust speck had been plucked from the tail of a comet more than 200 million miles away. Now, under an electron ...
G3 (ATLAS), the 'Great Comet of 2025,' lit up the night sky in Chile, offering a rare and breathtaking sight for stargazers, ...