While the snowmobiling discussion will be ongoing, hunters will continue to speculate about what January hunting, if ever ...
What can be done about the deer congregating in Hawley? Here's what readers and the Pennsylvania Game Commission have to say.
White-tailed deer hunting continues to be popular all around the Buckeye State. Sportsmen tagged 238,137 bucks and does ...
One year later, on Nov. 16, New York State Department of ... and failing to properly tag the deer. Officers also discovered an untagged seven-point buck at the hunting camp, which resulted in ...
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ... taking over the limit of white-tailed deer, hunting with the aid of pre-established bait, and the illegal take of white-tailed deer.
Bear, deer, and turkey harvests decreased slightly, but statewide harvest totals were remarkably similar to the previous year ...
New York's transportation department will use federal funds to study how best to cut down on the thousands of collisions that take place between vehicles and wildlife on the state's roads each year.