Therefore we cannot accurately speak of Troy as one single city. Instead, the ruins of Troy actually comprise as many as nine different settlements stacked on top of one another, dating from 3000 ...
The city’s builders, conquerors, and rediscoverers seemed to speak through the ruins, reminding me that history is alive and ever-present, waiting for us to listen and learn. Troy is timeless ...
were convinced that the citadel of ancient Troy had occupied the site of the later city of Ilion, although they were able to see nothing of the ruins of the settlement of heroic times. Can we ...
The Bloomsburg University Players performed the Greek tragedy “These Women of Troy” at Alvin Krause Theatre this past weekend ...
Dedicated to the place made famous by Homer’s Iliad, the Troy Museum—situated amid the city’s ruins—brings an ancient legend to life. Among the collections are 24 pieces of “Troy Gold ...
Therefore we cannot accurately speak of Troy as one single city. Instead, the ruins of Troy actually comprise as many as nine different settlements stacked on top of one another, dating from 3000 ...