Looking for unforgettable movie trilogies? Our list features the best of the best. Binge on these over the weekend.
One of the best trilogies, and one of the most epic and ... and Before Midnight (2013). The films are minimal, consisting mostly of dialogue and casual monologues. However, each of them explores ...
Season 2 of the spinoff TV show of a popular rom-com trilogy releases on Netflix in January 2025, providing updates on the ...
Movie trilogies are present in almost every film genre, whether sci-fi, comedy, or drama. Everybody in Hollywood knows how hard it is to make one good movie. A sequel is even harder to pull off ...
Batman Begins paved the way for arguably one of the best modern movie trilogies. Director Denis Villeneuve’s adaptation of Frank Herbert’s Dune was one of the few true hits of the pandemic era.